At Okoromai Bay Bed and Breakfast you can be walking in the park in less than 10 minutes.
At the moment of writing this a large section of the park is undergoing a huge transformation as a predator free fence has been installed closing in all but Army Bay and Okoromai Bay. The intention is to begin a aerial pest eradication programme and that part of the park which surrounds Te Haruhi Bay will be closed from the 1 July 2011 to allow this to happen.
In the meantime temporary accommodation is being sought for the peacocks and peahens (approximately 25 in total) until the area is safe for them to be returned.
You can learn more about what is happening by linking into Hibiscus Matters and Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society at and
At the moment of writing this a large section of the park is undergoing a huge transformation as a predator free fence has been installed closing in all but Army Bay and Okoromai Bay. The intention is to begin a aerial pest eradication programme and that part of the park which surrounds Te Haruhi Bay will be closed from the 1 July 2011 to allow this to happen.
In the meantime temporary accommodation is being sought for the peacocks and peahens (approximately 25 in total) until the area is safe for them to be returned.
You can learn more about what is happening by linking into Hibiscus Matters and Shakespear Open Sanctuary Society at and