Looking out from my deck this week I noticed some parachutes over Okoromai Bay. On further investigation realised it was people on surfboards using parachutes to speed them along. I can just imagine the exhilaration they must have felt.
Later that day I headed down to the end of our street to walk along the cliff top path that winds its way behind the houses to come out near the Gulf Harbour Country Club http://www.gulfharbourcountryclub.co.nz/.
I took a photo looking back into the Bay. From this direction you can see across the causeway to Army Bay and in the distance Little Barrier Island http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/auckland/hauraki-gulf-islands/little-barrier-island-nature-reserve-hauturu-o-toi/
By the time I had wound my way back home it was time to prepare dinner. A few days later I took myself into the WETLANDS to see what I could see.....but that is another story! Keep me on your watchlist!!!!