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Thursday, November 10, 2011


An afternoon walk via the end of my street and I am in Shakespear Regional Park. The fenced off area of the park which includes Te Haruhi Bay and the Bush Walk have been closed due to a pest eradication programme started in July of this year but is due to reopen to the public on the 1st of December 2011. Only 3 weeks to go!

That will be fantastic!

In the meantime we have been able to access the rest of the park, and the wetlands are included in this. They are situated between Okoromai Bay and Army Bay.

On this day I managed to see at least 4 White Faced Heron, numerous Pukeko, Pied Eyed Stilt,Mallard Ducks, Tui and various other birds including Black Swans in the waters of Okoromai